Descriptions of Service:
Operational Audit:
An operational audit is an internal assessment of an organization’s fundraising program. The audit reviews the board, staff and volunteer involvement in the fundraising operations and recommends the best use of all resources available to the organization; human and otherwise. It also evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of development systems, including fundraising software, policies and procedures. The audit offers suggestions to help improve stewardship, donor communications and other internal operations. A management plan of action can result from the development audit.
Campaign Planning/Feasibility Studies:
A comprehensive campaign planning/feasibility study consists of several components: interviews with key staff members, interviews with the organization’s key constituents and an internal development assessment from the standpoint of a major gifts campaign. From these elements, the study can provide incisive recommendations, both strategic and specific, on an organization’s readiness for a capital campaign including the case for support, volunteer leadership, potential for support, internal systems and structure.
Campaign Management:
Capital campaign counsel is tailored to an organization’s specific needs. Service is provided on a full time, part time or periodic basis and includes creating the campaign management plan; design of campaign materials; assisting with volunteer and prospective donor identification, cultivation and solicitation; proposal writing for foundation applications; volunteer training; reporting, recordkeeping and event management.
Strategic Planning:
Assisting organizations, their staffs and volunteer boards work through the intricacies associated with developing short, mid and long range plans to guide the organization as it moves into new and innovative areas of service to their constituencies.
Executive Counsel:
Provide direction and assistance to ongoing development operations. These services may include direction of annual campaigns, grants research and preparation, constituency cultivation and/or major gifts solicitation. On occasion, it also includes mentoring and job coaching.